Jeff Pulver

Founder of

New York City Metropolitan Area


Work Experience

  • Curator / Host

    2023 - Current

    Curator and Host of the global VON: Evolution events, including: AI/COMM, vCon/COMM Previously directed the VON Conferences from 1997 to 2008 in the same roles.

  • Co-Founder and Chairman


    Coordination Robots for Multi-Party Processes

  • Founder


    Started in 1995, I helped change the way the world communicates. Helped the global adoption of VoIP in the Telecom Industry. Founded:, The VON Conferences, Vonage, Vivox, VON Coalition, Free World Dialup, Pulver Radio, RevUp Records, Pulver TV, Pulver Innovations, Network2 and more.

  • Founder


    Jeff Pulver Entertainment produces a variety of live, interactive Internet Shows and Online Experiences. As of December, 2023 our weekly lineup: Tuesday - Today Meet Tomorrow Zula Thursday - East Coast Zula Thursday - Jeff’s Place

  • Founder


    Jeff Pulver has been hosting breakfast networking events since 2006. Whether you are an alumni of his breakfasts and/or conferences or attending for the first time, you are invited to connect with our community. Jeff hosts these breakfasts to help increase the frequency of serendipity and synchronicity in the lives of his friends. At breakfast there is a really good chance you will connect with people involved in: Communications, Blockchain, Finance, Music, Science, Technology, Wellness and/or the Arts.

  • Host: The Almost Daily Jeff Podcast

    2019 - 2020

    The (almost) Daily Jeff was launched using LinkedIn Live in August, 2019 and new episodes aired on LinkedIn Live. This series is unscripted, raw, real and a stream of consciousness. Topics covered touch on: mindfulness, wellness, startup life, self love, flow, being and more.

  • founder

    2009 - 2016

    creator/host/producer of #140conf - Please contact me if you would like to sponsor a future 140 event

  • Chairman

    2007 - 2009

    A great way for consumers in the United States to watch Prime Time TV Shows. Just visit -

  • Chairman, Co-Founder

    1995 - 2009

    Proved the possibilities of broadband communications. Platform for “The Pulver Order.”


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