Michael Xiong

Limited Partner at Sequoia Capital China

Chengdu, Sichuan


Work Experience

  • 总经理

    2013 - Current

    主要从事投资管理、商务咨询等业务。 Foucusing on Investment managment and business consultant.

  • 特许经营店主

    2010 - 2014

    作为四川省的第四家速8酒店,地处成都核心繁华商圈春熙路,总共65间客房,平均出租率达到90%以上。负责酒店的筹建及运营管理。 This hotel was the 4th hotel of the Super 8 brand in Sichuan Province with a capacity of 65 rooms. It was located at the core of downtown Chengdu,and the average occupancy was above 90%.

  • 企业主

    2008 - 2010

    这是加拿大安大略省伦敦市最大规模的自助餐厅,提供超过300种环球特色美食菜式,可供500人同时就餐。餐厅主要面对主流客群,员工共70人,其中65人为加拿大当地人,年接待能力超12万人次。 Harmony is the largest buffet in London with 500 seats and over 300 diversified dishes. With a multicultural team of 70 lovely employees, we have served over 120000 customers each year.

  • 策划经理

    2001 - 2005


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